Saturday, January 14, 2012

2012, it's not end of the world yet


today i would like to talk about 2012. 2012, i hope it's not end of the world yet!
there's myth about 2012 is DOMSDAY. well, i guess it's even shown in the movie uh?! i hope it's just another movie but not reality. i don't want to see the world suffering. wish that this myth will be busted!! i've got too much to do!!

anyway, not gonna talk so much about domsday. just stay happy, do the things you love most, love more, eat more and most of all love life and have it to the best. *smile*

so, what's up with your resolutions. yes it's already the 3rd week of Jan 2012, not too late yet for resolutions i hope? i have mine listed, what about you?! i'll share with you mine and you too please share it with me! on 31 Dec 2012, let's make a review? hahahahaa!!

**oh hey, come on don't show me such serious face! after all, life is all about moving on and sharing of joy right? let's talk some silly stuff and laugh more! oh hahahaha! i m shouting and laughing LOUD already!

so here goes my 2012 resolutions

  • be more patient (i don't mean i am not a tolerant person, just at times i can easily get frustrated over things which aren't going my way. when i am frustrated it means i get fire up. fire up is no no no good! #1 to achieve)
  • drink more water (to stay healthy and slender, this is a new habit i need to add in my lifestyle)
  • less shopping and more saving (i think this is one of the top priority among all other girls? knowing this is the major part where my payroll goes, once this is slayed the pocket will grow thicker) *finger cross this would stay!
  • learn another new skill (i love to bake and cook but not skillful yet. practice makes perfect. i need to learn how to cook lor mee from my mum, arkkKk sounds tough eh!!)
  • smile more and love myself for being who i am (i might not be perfect but i want to be a better person eventually by being less bitchy? hahahahaaaaaa!!)
  • read more books (from novel to self-disciplinary range. 10 books at least this year perhaps?)
  • learn how to apply eye make up (this is one skill that kills! i have almond eyes shape which creating smoky eyes is giving me big time. i don't think i have eye crease that can give me sexy looking smoky eyes. well i need to find out more)
  • wear RED lipstick to an event (every time when i see some model with red lipsticks, it draws my obsession more and more. may be i'll need to whiten my teeth 1st?)
  • OTHERs (well, i'll like to keep this for myself only hehehehe!)
so now what's yours?! tell me about it will ya?!

give a little love and it all comes back to you!


xoxo wendy

Friday, January 13, 2012



today i would like to share with you my experience about baking madeleines. well, you may wonder what madeleines are? make it short, its a kind of small cakes originally from France. it's like a small sponge cake with a very well hinted lemony zesty taste :) * i'm an absolute hopeless romantic! so when it talks about France, all i could imagine is everything is so romantic and warm. Major reason for my liking for madeleines as well coz it's from France. *giggles :D
well if you still can't imagine how it tasted like, some of my friends said it looks like and almost tasted like bahulu!! hahaha!!

when i first tasted madeleines, i love the heavenly smell of zesty lemon and the texture of this small petite shell looking cake. it's so lovely right? after goggling "how to make madeleines?", oh hey WOW it's actually not difficult in baking madeleines! all i really need is eggs, butter, flour, sugar, lemon and some vanilla essence! oh yes VANILLA! another big mega obsession of mine! and also not to forget the most important tool, that's the shell baking mold!!

on a fine Sunday, gathered all my RAW MATERIALS yes ingredients that's what i meant. tehehehehehe... and i was trying to have some fun beating the batter using a whisk manually. yes, not electrical mixer. what pays off was my aching arms. but it's worth it as my small little madeleines turns out well and tasted like ooooooh wow mmm yeah wee!!

the RECIPE (approx 12 cakes):

  • 2 eggs
  • 3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 1/3 cup white sugar
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 tablespoon lemon zest
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1/3 cup granulated sugar for decoration
  • Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F
  • Butter and flour the molds
  • Melt the butter in a pot till it's slight brown and till you can smell the strong fragrance of butter is in the air
  • Beats the eggs, vanilla essence and salt in high speed till light
  • Gradually add in the sugar and continue beating till thick which took me 10 to 15mins
  • Sift and gently fold the flour in the batter 1/3 at a time
  • Add in the lemon zest and stir a little
  • Quickly fold in the melted butter to the batter and spoon in the mold
  • You should fill the mold full so that the middle of the cakes can raise above the mold
  • Bake for about 15 to 20 mins till the cakes are golden brown. Just to make sure it cooks, the top of the cakes can bounce back when gently pressed with your fingers.
  • Take the cakes out from the mold, cool and rest it on the rack
  • Sprinkle some granulated sugar over the cakes (which i didn't coz i'm afraid its too sweet)
  • Voila enjoy!!
that was the recipe i've got it online and tried it, it works. it makes about 12 small petite cakes and yumz!!

that's what came out from my oven

enjoy your baking with the recipe i've used and if it's possible share it with your best friends :)
organized an afternoon party and enjoy chit chat OH WHATEVER , just enjoy!!


xoxo wendy